The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. Psalm 18:2
I am very Blessed, I have so much emotional support from my family, church family and co- workers. I remember getting the news, and this was the first time I have ever been brought to my knees, “Mrs. Fallon, you have cancer.” As soon as those words were finally out in the open, I called family and friends asking for prayers. One of my co-workers called me up and said, “Al, if I have to drive you, you are going to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America.” Frank was so insistent that I did make that call and I did become a patient of CTCA. On the last day of work Frank gave me a present, “Jesus calling.” That little devotional is so wonderful and speaks to my heart. I remember during this time I read in Jesus calling, “You can either thank me or cuss me, but you can’t do both.” From that day forward I began waking up with a grateful heart, “Thank-you so much for Blessing me with another day…thank-you for the beautiful music the birds are singing…. thank you for creation….”
I travelled to CTCA and the doctors performed so many tests on me and it was diagnosed stage 4 estrogen positive breast cancer that traveled into the bones. The doctor said, I am putting you on Letrozole and one shot in the stomach when you come to CTCA. I asked about surgery, but she said she would advise against any surgery at this time. She continued “You are treatable but not curable.” I thought, “Okay, that doesn’t sound too good.” But the upside was that I didn’t need chemo either. In my room that night, during devotionals a inner voice spoke, “I am going to turn your illness into a Blessing.” I was so taken aback I yelled, “Say what?”
God has picked up the shattered pieces of my illness and made me whole. Yes, I have cancer, but cancer doesn’t have me. One prayer I constantly pray is “Lord teach me to laugh again but never let me forget the times I cried.” God has been faithful, and I began to pray “God how can I help you today?” Before long while at the Cancer center this young lady with three kids began to sob in the dinner line. I left my tray where it was and went over to her and just hugged her and yes, I held on to her for dear life. She cried, ‘I just got done with chemo, I have chemo fog, and how can I take care of my babies when I can’t take care of myself?” WE Stood there hugging, two strangers, and both of us crying. Not long after that incident, I was outside by the pond where I spotted a woman smoking a cigarette and she looked so sad. I went up to her and said, “Ma’am I don’t know your story, I just want you to know I am praying for you.” She gave me a bear hug and cried, “They just put a feeding tube in my husband, he is 45 and I am bringing him home to die. Life wasn’t supposed to be like this.” We just clung on to each other.
I have also been shown so much kindness because of cancer. I was in Chicago Thanksgiving and a car was taking me to the airport. Somehow, a mishap happened, and I was dropped off at the wrong terminal. I began to panic and ask for directions but somehow, I kept on getting more and more lost, it was like I was in a maze. Then I reached Delta’s terminal and asked one of the employees for directions and he explained, “You take the tram to terminal 1 and then you take the elevator…” He said, “What’s wrong ma’am you look as white as a ghost.” I cried, “I’ve got less than an hour to get to my flight, I am exhausted, and I am coming from the Cancer Center.” He looked at me and asked, “You have cancer?” I just nodded. He went to the counter and called for a wheelchair and the employees wheeled me to my terminal and to my flight with ten minutes to spare. I was in tears as I thought, “God always takes care of his kids, even at the airport.” A kind stranger…
I am not dying of this illness, not yet anyway. I am being Blessed beyond measure. I think how I stay so positive is that God continues to use me to help other people. And God has shown me that I need to stay connected to him 24/7. I now understand what “praying without ceasing means.” I have a bad day, I take it to the Lord…I have a good day, I take it to the Lord. Only one time I said to God, “I love you but right now I am not speaking to you.” That was the day that I came to realize that I would have to go on disability. One thing is for sure it is not I that stays positive but the one who lives in me. All Glory goes to God.
Helping others be overcomers with the Lord’s help is so much better and healthier than dwelling on the little c. And this has become my constant prayer, “Lord, teach me to laugh again but never ever let me forget the times I cried.
Cancer has never been about me, but about what God can do in the middle of a storm. This is God’s story, his love story. Very soon am attempting on beginning a support and bible study, “Cancer and Faith.”
And as always, run c run…