My breast cancer journey began in June 2012 when I received a phone call that I needed a follow-up mammogram and ultrasound after a routine annual mammogram in May 2012. Then, on July 20, 2012, I received the call that every woman fears….”Cindy, you have Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma breast cancer.” I was 53 years old. Within a week I met with my surgeon and decided to have a double mastectomy. As I waited for my surgery date to arrive I found myself questioning “why me…..hasn’t our family been through enough?” My youngest brother, Timmy, died from Burkett’s Lymphoma, an exceedingly rare cancer, at the age of 20. My middle brother, Billy, was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer at 45 and shortly after that my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer. Thankfully, they are both cancer survivors. And then I received a call from the radiology department. The radiologist said she needed to introduce herself and share something with me. Upon reviewing the first mammogram, everything appeared to be normal and filed the films away. But a small voice was whispering “take a second look at Cindy’s films”. It was then that she spotted the cancer. I told her the voice she heard was my Heavenly Father. She confirmed if she would not have taken the second look and I went a year for my annual routine checkup I could have been in serious trouble. I knew, from that moment on, why not me? God had a plan for my life and my journey….” With God all things are possible”. On September 27, 2012, I had a double mastectomy. The waiting room was full of my family and friends. Their support has been truly amazing. Prayers were answered as on the fourth day following my surgery my oncologist called me with the news that it was stage 1…..all of the cancer had been removed… chemotherapy or radiation was needed. For the next two years I had several reconstructive surgeries. I will need one more procedure and everything will be completed. God is so great! This has been an amazing journey. God is so great! This has been an amazing journey. God has blessed me with a loving dad and stepmom, an amazing husband, two beautiful daughters, a wonderful son-in-law, and in February 2015 my first grandbabies (twins) are due to be born. I met Shereice approximately 40 years ago. She has always been a very special friend to me. It was in 2012 that I realized just how special she really is. I experienced good days and bad days and through it all, Shereice’s prayers, love and compassion, along with my faith in God, gave me hope. Together in Him we will fight the good fight.
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